Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Preparing...and an end to the hiatus

As I move closer to my profession as a Secular Franciscan(happening this Saturday, God willing), there is trepidation, anxiousness, a little fear, and a lot of excitement. It feels a lot like the week leading up to my wedding. But there are some differences, of course.

There will be a lot less people in attendence. There will be far fewer bells and whistles. At least outwardly, my life won't appear to change that much. No presents and no honeymoon (DANG!)

But the people who count will be there. My wife, who has been my daily strength, love and encouragement. My children, the two greatest accomplishments of my life, who've already taught me far more than I could ever teach them. Two VERY dear friends, kindred souls, who've shared a good portion of this journey with me (you know who you are). And most importantly for this day, my Franciscan Family.

Brother Jules, our formation director, said at our very first meeting 4 or so years ago that we all were already Franciscans and "we've got to go through some hullaballoo to make it official". Somehow, with plenty of bumps and bruises, I've come out on the other side of this thing.

Please pray for me and my fellow candidates - Eddie, Geri, and Joe - as we profess to live the Gospel life in the footsteps of Brother Francis. The journey of the rest of our lives now it does each and every day.

So as far as this blog goes, I guess I'm back. I won't go into the events of the last few months; suffice to say I'm a bit humbled, and perhaps a bit more grateful than I was at the beginning of the summer. If anyone's still reading...thank you for sticking around.

Memorial of St. John de Brébeuf and St. Isaac Jogues
Daily Mass Readings
Romans 6:12-18
Psalm 124:1-8
Luke 12:39-48


  1. Praying for you today, Thomas... every blessing on your Profession. It's good to see you back, too!

    Pax et Bonum


  2. Thank you Brother. What a grace-filled day it was!
