Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dreams and Destinations

I’m pretty much in a mode of acceptance at this particular time; this is what my life is, and I need to make the most of it, instead of harboring pipedreams. Now don't get me wrong - there is nothing wrong with dreaming! However, when those dreams interfere with how I progress in day-to-day life, it becomes a liability.

I still can become a writer, lose weight and get fit, get involved in the Hibernian Youth Division, Knights Special Friends, and become a bagpiper. If it is either impossible to achieve (religious brotherhood/priesthood) – or something I simply am not prepared to work towards, is dangerous for me, or would cause an inordinate amount of upheaval in my life and the people around me (bodybuilder or marathoner, the diaconate), then I simply must let it go.

Another goal I have is of course continuing my journey as a candidate/novitiate to the Secular Franciscan Order. Today I had the privilege of witnessing and participating in a Mass of Profession for Kathleen, a fellow candidate to the Order. The Mass was celebrated by Father Matthias Wesnofske OFM Cap, the spiritual assistant to the Seculars in our Region. It was a true family celebration; members of our Fraternity led the procession, brought up the gifts, proclaimed the readings, and performed the beautiful music. Kathleen was vested in the Tau Cross, the habit of the Secular Franciscan Order, and made her promise to live the Gospel life of Jesus in the footsteps of our seraphic father, St. Francis of Assisi. AMEN!

It made me excited and anxious for my own profession, hopefully next year. If I've learned nothing on my journey, however, is that I've got to walk the path instead of simply dream of the destination.

Peace and All Good to Kathleen G. SFO!!!

Saturday in the Seventh Week of Easter
Daily Mass Readings
Acts 28:16-20,30-31
Psalm 11:4-5,7
John 21:20-25