Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Which of the two?

Today's Gospel speaks volumes to me and hits (once again!) what has been a constant sore spot in my walk with the Christ: proclaiming to do the will of God vs. actually DOING it.

In this, the Parable of the Two Sons, Jesus asks his disciples who did what their father asked: the son who said he would work in the vineyard but didn't, or the son who said he wouldn't work in the vineyard, but did? The answer is obvious when Christ makes it so in this parable, but what does it say to me today? Am I working in the vineyard, or am I not, whilst pretending to be? Do my actions contradict my words when it comes to what God asks of me?

In many instances, more than I care to admit in a blog, yes they do.

Now I'm not going to get into a breast-beating mea culpa here, enumerating my faults and specifically how I'm screwing up the vineyard work schedule (I'll save that for the confessional!) but here we are in Advent, preparing for the coming of the Lord at Christmas. As I mention in more than a few previous posts, I am unprepared. Christ will knock as he always does, but am I ready to let Him in?

Lord, help me prepare and make straight your paths.


Daily Mass Readings
Zepharia 3:1-2,9-13
Psalm 34:2-3,6-7,17-19,23
Matthew 21:28-32

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